Friday, May 15, 2015

God Knows The Future - You Don't

I am blessed to be selected to participate in the Spring Show Careers Day.
Basically it's a day where graduating students will meet industry professionals. The purpose is to get exposure and a chance to get interviewed and recruited.

Whether I'll get a job or not is up to God, but I want to do the best I can.

The Careers Day will be on Monday 18th. And in the midst and heat of my finals week I managed to squeeze time to make a new resume, business card, and website. You can tell how the Career Day is a big thing for me.
Then, the Wednesday before (13th), I was called by a school staff saying how they needed my sizzle reel to be turned asap. My first question was, "What's a sizzle reel?"

Was I in trouble.

After more researching I found that a sizzle reel turned out to be some kind of demo reel (portfolio in video format) for producers. Also it was not necessary for me to turn one in since I have given them my demo reel (portfolio for animators). But being the perfectionist that I am, I NEED to do this sizzle sazzle suzzle funny name thing reel now!

That night I was prepping my website. Making it as 'filled' as I can by uploading more work into it. At least so I thought. I was uploading videos to link to my website. Since I don't use a paid account, I can only upload up to 500mb a week.

I used the first 150mb orso to upload a newer version of my demo reel. And I wanted to use the remaining 350mb on another video. I waited and waited for it to upload. A couple of hours later, at 97% of upload, internet crashed and upload failed.
I was too upset try again, it was getting too late anyways. After getting angry and complaining and being emotional, I decided to leave it that way.

The next day I managed to download AE on my desktop because my laptop would crash every 30 sec of work orso. Painful. It took another joyful 7 hours waiting for it to finish..painful painful.
But I managed to finish the sizzle reel late at night.

I was ready to upload it when I remembered my limited space. I only had 500mb to use, and I already used some of it..will I have enough for this super important sizzle reel!?!?

 Logically I would not. But for some reason, for some strange reason..the space was wiped out. In other words I could use another 500mb!

I wonder if this happened because the video that failed to upload crashed. Maybe it interfered with the system? This definitely never happened before.

For whatever strange reason it was, I have enough space to upload my sizzle reel now.
I am glad (now) that the video failed to upload, because its importance can't compare to this sizzle reel due Monday (If It didn't failed, I would have to wait for the Thursday after the Career Day to upload).

Because I believe that everything is not coincidence, I give credit to God for this happening.
Everything really is for a reason. Here is a verse I recently came across that suit this testy,

I still have questions such as "so why did that first video succeed to upload while the second one failed?". Sometimes you cannot fully understand God, we pretty much never will because again His thoughts are so much more than ours. His whole being is more than we can comprehend.
But if I had to make a reason to my curiosity it's because the first video uploaded in that 500mb quota is the only one that will be in HD. And that video happened to be my demo reel, which is equally important.
This way, both my demo reel and my sizzle reel will be in HD for the recruiters to check out.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and all your understanding. That's why we live by faith and not by sight. I forget that sometimes, but this was a good reminder.