Monday, February 24, 2014

Gift From Faith

God use friends to become His voice.

I was at that point in my life after graduation where I had a mental breakdown. I would cry every day because I wasn't able to get a job. I could be patient, but I kept negotiating with God. "You know how I only plan to stay here until my OPT finishes. So it would be better to let me start early..." But of course God had His own plan, which I started to doubt. I even considered the possibility that He just wanted to keep me longer in the US so I could serve Him at church. Or maybe He wants to push me to go back to Indo sooner. Whatever it was, my days would be filled with tears and complaints.

Until one day, as I was applying for jobs in my room, the door was suddenly opened. (Literally, the door of my room). Melanie came in holding a bag, followed by Jason who played his ukulele, and behind were Dorothy and Imanuel. Basically they knew how I have wanted this one particular shoe, but didn't buy it because it was so expensive. As Melanie presented me the bag, she said that everyone in CG Faith decided to chip in and buy me the shoes as an encouragement to find a job. Plus they wrote a card, and Jason even made like a small personalized "comic book." I teared up.

God is really amazing. Even though I complained to Him a lot, but He still showed me His unconditional love. He used my friends and dear caregroup members to show that He is still supporting me. And off course I am very thankful to my members for doing this as well.

PS. The strange thing is the timing! Cause like 2 weeks after this, my favorite shoes that I wear all the time broke down. Like literally, sole was separated from the heels.. But now I don't have to go barefoot since I have my new shoes! Yay!!!

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