Friday, February 28, 2014

Stopping The Rain

Rain, I HATE the rain! I hate getting wet, I hate walking on muddy grounds, I hate stepping on those wet things just sitting there on the sidewalks, I hate the wet sole of my shoes if I'm lucky the water doesn't pierce through, I hate the wet seats of public transports where water traps germs germs germs!

How can someone look like this!?

When I'm all..

In fact I despise rain so much, I can leave behind all academic responsibilities for the sake of not wanting to go out and experience the grossness.

But this time its different, I HAVE to do my work at school.
I woke up to the sound of strong winds and prayed "Lord, for the time I'm out there please don't let it rain". Selfish prayer I know, BUT God knows how important it is for me to do work and how hard it is for me to go out there with rain.

I was ready to leave the house and prayed again, moment of truth..
I opened the door and.. HALLELUJAH it's wonderfully dry!!! :D

It barely rained, it was so little you can't call it rain. So I walked to a nearby bakery to buy bread and the moment I stepped inside... the rain started pouring down hard.  
(Did God protect me just enough to get into the store dry? I wonder~)
I was shocked and worried.
But instead of holding out my umbrella, I claimed, 'Lord, faith as small as the mustard seed can move the mountains. Lord, the second I get out, let the rain stop".

Buying the bread took less than 3 minutes, I'm not sure if scientifically rain would start and halt in the course of such short time. But God is above all science amen?

So I paid the cashier and put the bread in my bag. I turned to the door and...
The rain was gone.

Praise You Lord! I walked up the hill waiting for my bus which took quite some time to arrive. The whole entire time there was not a single drop of rain. I danced in joy with my water bottle like a mental.

The point here is not that God will immediately answer all of your prayers (especially if it's selfish like this one). But God is a caring God, He is the Lord of detail, God of understanding, God of love.
+ in my defense, it took faith to believe for the rain to stop right after it started. God sees the heart.

God listens to every prayer of ours, big or small. He shall do according to His will, but know that the things He does will be for your own good.

Matthew 17:20
He replied, "Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."

Lord I thank you for stopping the rain
For the mud and worms would've driven me insane.
Let my praises never stop to Thee,
God of love, God almighty.

ps- This is the 3rd time God stopped the rain for me through prayer :)

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