Friday, June 13, 2014

God is good. All the time

I had an interview in May 28, 2014. I was nervous due to some sudden changes. I called my agent to prep today's interview in the morning. Apparently, my preparation is quite different from my agent's expectation. As a result, my agent helped me to rephrase some sentences, which caused me nervous because I needed to make many adjustments.  

So...I kept praying to God for calming my heart. 

(Psalm 145: 18 The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.)

He did not answer my phone call right away. I still felt very nervous, but then He answered my little prayer at a super perfect timing that I was not expected. 

When I walked into the office, there were two ladies talking in the front desk. Somehow they asked me how was my weekend. This is the first time ever someone in the front desk asked me how was my weekend! I told them I went to Seattle for vacation. We joked around the never-ending rains in Seattle. Although rains nurture a lot of trees in Seattle that make Seattle a beautiful city, rains also cause some people depressed, and these people choose to drink beer. 

Anyway, we had a good conversation, and then all of sudden my burden vanished. As soon as I did not feel nervous, the interviewer came in. Her tone is soft and nice, which is a super good sign, and it turns out she is also nice person, too (Yeah!). She did not brought out many hard questions to me, instead, she focused on asking how good is my Excel (Yeah!). I brought up some work samples to demonstrate the financial models that I developed and maintained, and she is impressed by my work.  

I really want to thank God that I called my agent earlier today. She taught me some tips and phrases so that I can answer several hard questions if I encounter. And it actually happened during the interview, and I just used the same tactic to answer that question correctly. All these things are out of my control but in God’s hand. and I thank God for His grace.

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