Wednesday, April 9, 2014

One shovel at a time - Any mountain can be moved

Matthew 17: 20 

Jesus said, "if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."

I want to share some findings about this verse. When I read a book, "The Hole in Our Gospel", I have the same thought with the author. "We can't literally move mountains.... Can we?" I quoted.

I quoted from the book,

"But I saw it in a different way. What if Jesus meant for millions of His followers to each put their faith into action by grabbing a shovel- and challenging the mountain one shovel at a time? Any mountain can be moved- even the one called Poverty , or Hunger, Or Injustice - if we have enough people shoveling "1

Like me, sometimes I don't believe the story or I do not understand because 1). My faith is less than a mustard seed 2). I have not yet seen the way how Jesus see the world. By reading this book, this really give me a hit that actually we are capable to move mountains as long as we have a little faith as small as a mustard seed.

I want to encourage everyone here. You might still struggle about your current situations, wondering why God has not answer your prayers. I want to encourage each other to take a baby step to believe by faith. Maybe your prayers are not the way how Jesus want you to be. You can pray to God that hope He can guide you to sync the way how He sees the world, so your prayers can be answered.

Often time, we will act like Thomas, we don't believe by faith until we truly see it. However, if we can really believe by faith, we are blessed because Jesus promises us.

John 20: 29 Then Jesus told him, "Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed."

Your prayer not yet been answered? Pray to God to show you the way how He sees in this world. And He will answer you. God bless.

1. Stearns, R. (2009). The hole in our Gospel. Nashville, Tenn: Thomas Nelson.

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