Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Jehovah Jireh, Jehovah Rapha

And...... I'm stuck here, at this very moment, confuse on how to start off this one, super long testimony of God's awesomeness hehehe. Bare with me peeps :D

For me, getting jobs is always by His grace (well duhh of course). But, what I mean is that unimaginable and impossible things always go hand-in-hand with all the jobs that I got.

The first on campus job that I had as I transferred to SJSU was VERY easily given to me: walked in to my classroom for the first day of school, professor was there already talking with the other student, he turned around and asked me, "Do you want to work for me?" SUREEEE...... and that's how I got my title as a Student Assistant (or close/similar to being a TA). Fast eh? No interview was done :p

The first internship that I had 2 years ago was also without any interviews, and I got it with a lot of efforts too of course: due to obtaining the CPT status, I transferred back to DVC just for the Summer, and transferred back to SJSU for the following Fall semester.

The second internship that I got last October (2013) up until this very second is also without any interviews :D Well.... but I met the boss several times before at several events, and of course, networked with her. Thus, she immediately, without any hesitation hired me as her intern. Through this job, I got to meet my next employer (after graduating last December 2013), which led me to many Full-Time job leads.

After graduating, even though I have those two non full-time jobs, but together, these jobs add up to full-time work (plus the two other part-time jobs that I occasionally have hahaha). Crazy busy. Top it off with some interviews that I had to do: one was insanely far--in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by cows and tomatoes, Los Banos--driving 75mph 2 hours straight back and forth (4 hours total) in a day was something.... I got two in-person interviews with that company, but ended up being turned off by them. A bit disappointed due to all the efforts that had been put out, but definitely a big relief that I didn't have to move out there and leave my beloved CG and church :) And, the journey of job hunting continues.

Up until one day, one point, I got stressed out super bad because of this one situation at work. It also almost made me not be able to come to CG, and I would most likely need to do an all-nighter to finish off that one project. To cut it short, after crying while praying, God made a way, and I was able to go to CG and finish the project 5 hours before it. Yay for break time! HOWEVER, it led me to another low point of my life: I had my worst skin break out (the reason why I have been wearing a mask for the last 3 weeks if you were wondering :p). Starting with one giant zit on my forehead that led to painful, huge zits all over my face :( It was just horrible. I got worried and felt insecure about my appearance, and it affected my performance at work and life, up until I got worried of how was I supposed to go out there for interviews (if I had any). But yes, God taught me another life lesson, the hard and expensive way, I guess. I knew that He is the God who heals, but one day through the Bible study at church about the House of Power, He pointed out to me the ultimate reason why I didn't get any improvements when I had tried so many things to heal my break out, which is to simply (but takes a lot of faith) BELIEVE in Him. I broke down in tears because I had not fully believe in Him that He could and would (miraculously) heal me. From then on, my perspective had been changed, and many of my lovely, caring, thoughtful sisters in Christ prayed for me EVERY Sundays until this last Sunday. And surely, God's mighty work starting to kick in. My face is getting better and better mahahahaha praise God! Even though I still have to get on the ultimate medication to completely clear up my acne later on, I can definitely see a big improvement now :)

Oh, not to forget, as I got better and better, I got a phone call exactly 21 days (like Daniel fasting :p) since the in-person interview with this one company in South SF (yay for the close distance!), telling me that they really like my positive attitude and afraid that other company had snatched me away form them lol. God's perfect timing, right?? :) A brief background: I got this job lead from my current internship's boss, no phone interview was done prior to the in-person one, I was the FIRST person who got interviewed for the position, and the only interview that got my heart pounded super hard that I could literally feel it and got me talked the most--I was being myself and I even spoke about my Christian life principle! So the HR guy who called, told me that on Thursday (last week) he would let me know what would the next step be. So I thought, "Oh, hopefully I would get another round of interview," while in the back of my mind, I had another feeling of getting the job right away, but I didn't want to jinx it haha so I wiped that thought off. Thursday came. No news whatsoever. So I emailed him on Friday, hoping that he would reply my email the following Monday the 17th which is yesterday. Monday came. I got an email from my internship's boss for a sudden meeting, and so I went. Towards the end of the meeting, my phone rang. OH! The HR guy! I was expecting that he would tell me to come for another interview, but instead "I would like to offer you the job!" I was like "Aaaaaaa hahaha thank you!!" with a big smile on my face lol. My boss was really happy for me as well since she was the one who gave me that job lead and was always being supportive in helping me getting a full-time job. Talking about God's perfect timing ;) Praise God! Even though I will be in probation period for the first 3 months before I (by faith) get hired as a regular employee, He surely gave me the best job: only ONE interview required, close distance, possibly (by faith) will sponsor me H1B visa, and foremost, a perfect environment where I can be a blessing and God's living testimony there (since they like my positive attitude the most)!

There! I hope my super long testimony can be a blessing to everyone who reads it :) Remember, whenever we put God in the center of anything (i.e. looking for a job where you can be a blessing there), He will surely make His way and give it at His perfect timing.

"Do not be afraid, for I am with you. Do not be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand" (Isaiah 41:10).

God bless!


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