Monday, March 10, 2014

God's ENCOURAGES are everywhere

Last week, I was very down about not getting into in-person interview for one of the biggest company in the US, I felt particular upset because last week is the point where my OPT period less than 6 months, meaning I am no longer qualified for a 6 month-long contract anymore. Therefore, I lost the fire to search new jobs as well as fire with God. I am kind of giving up.

However, things started to get a little different on Thursday, I saw a shared article on Facebook, ( Title: Get rid of fast-food mindset in doing things, many people in America are prepared for years in order to get a desired job in the future, writer is a Taiwanese girl ) Basically, the article said Taiwanese people tend to spend only few days or a week preparing exams. Many people in US, however, have a systematic and long-term schedule for preparing things like hunting a job. They would seek internship experiences first and actively join networking events in the early college stage, which is barely seen and common in Taiwanese college environment.  I have a bad hobby that tend to simplify other peoples' years background efforts and amplify my days background efforts. Through reading the article, I realized how hard other people put background efforts in order to land a dream job.

Time shifted to Sunday. After Sunday service, I approached Derian to have a basic greeting conversation. Somehow we started to move into deeper conversation and shared our struggles with each other. I was about to encourage Derian about things he struggled with, but it turns out I am the one who got encouraged. I believe that that's how God's amazing work on us. Derian kept encouraging me by showing his strong physical and spiritual body for not giving up on seeking God and jobs. My upset was totally gone by Derian's passionate heart. I can see a strong growing seed inside his heart. I was really encouraged by him, and I will continue to seek God more and more.

On Monday, I checked a article from Wall Street Journal ( title: A game plan for job seekers). Basically, the article said that searching a job is like learning the way of shark ( said by Ms. McArdle) . You need to KEEP MOVING or you DIE. This short sentence really give me a wake up call.

Above all, these small series of factors did not come in coincidence, I believe it is God tries to encourage me in different ways, and I thank God for that. I am still looking for jobs, but I WON"T GIVE UP.

1 Corinthian 15 58 Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.

God bless.

1 comment:

  1. Wowww.. Steve.. This is so encouraging! How nice that you and Derian can help each other!
    KEEP GOING! Don't give up now.. You are on the way already, don't turn back now!!! The final destination is near! :D
